Missions Facilitation

missions facilitation

Melanie planting trees in KenyaMore than Music functions as a sponsorship mechanism and, in time, a sending agency for national and international missions, offering a covering for Christ followers that have a heart and a project in mind to aid the lost and hurting.

In 2003 Stephanie Pauline looked ahead 40 years and wrote the articles of incorporation broad enough to allow More than Music to help with a myriad of projects; from starting battered women’s shelters, to running youth ranches, from planting youth centers, and arts mentorship programs, to environmental missions and feeding the hungry. MtM helps by giving a tax shelter, and needed guidance and assistance for valued missions that fit the heart of what More than Music is called to do in the world. (“Pure religion is this – to care for the widow and orphan.” James 1:27)

What do we at More than Music believe. What do we stand for?

What is the More than Music mission?

What is your mission? Can we help?  

If you have something that has been placed on your heart, we may be the organization to help you, providing you the nonprofit covering you need to begin to move towards your calling.  If this interests you and based on what you’ve learned about More than Music here on the web site you think your mission may be something that fits what More than Music is meant to do and be in the world, just print out this application send it in. We will get back to you with our candid, honest thought, and perhaps with an invitation for you to join the More than Music team.


Emily Stone
I want you to share your food with the hungry and bring right into your own homes those who are helpless, poor and destitute.
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Jenny Vaughn
Jenny Vaughn is an aspiring missionary to returning child soldiers in Uganda.
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Melanie Sorensen
How does swimming with sharks, eating sheep organs and planting trees further God’s Kingdom?
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