Quotes from Benefit Concert

quotes & testimonials


In concertWorking with MtM on our 2011 Hope & Potential Benefit Concert was a pleasure and exceeded our goals and expectations.  Local awareness of our ministry to institutionalized young people was greatly enhanced and has helped us develop new volunteers and donors.  The entire event blessed everyone who attended and God was glorified throughout the evening.  We are looking forward to working with MtM on and annual basis.

Michael Rueffert
Executive Director
Southern Colorado Youth For Christ

More than Music assisted Breaking Free to develop the tools and experience necessary to produce entertaining and effective benefit concerts. The More then Music staff was instrumental in helping promote the event, develop a timeline, negotiate the contracts with the venue and artists at a discounted rate, and finance the upfront expenses. Their knowledge and experience was invaluable and greatly appreciated. Breaking Free was able to expand our donor base and communicate our message in an entirely different way to a new audience. Thank you to Heather Guerin and Stephanie Pauline for your tireless efforts!

Heather Caillier
Marketing & Development Manager
Breaking Free, MN

Quotes & Testimonials from: Ministry Leaders | Young People | Benefit Concert | Moms

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