STONE BY STONE is here!!!


You can download the music and cover art below.

(mp3 zip file)

01. Rise and Shine

02. As Cool as Cool Can Be

03. Make a Wish

04. Even Redwoods Fall

05. Your Love Means That Much

06. Real Dad

07. Hey Nonny Nonny

08. A Little Less Than Gone

09. The Malt Shop

10. Life Happens Then

11. I Believe In You

12. To Be Your Mother

13. Peace Rings

14. Much-Forgiven Grace

Credits: Produced by Jeoff Harris
Executive Producer: Barb Novak
Words and Music by Stephanie Pauline (BMI)
Stephanie Pauline – Lead vocals, background vocals
Elizabeth Kirk – Violin
Jarrod Headley – Drums
Jeoff Harris – All other instruments, male background vocals, programming and arranging
Recorded by Jeoff Harris in Longmont, CO
Drums recorded at A.I. Studios, Colorado Springs, CO by Jeoff Harris
Drums CO by Jeoff Harris and Jarrod Headley
Mixed by Jeoff Harris
Mastered by Ken Love (Five Points Mastering, Nashville, TN)
Photography by Paul Arrelano
Wardrobe, Hair and Makeup – Maxine Battle of Maxine’s Salon

Story Behind the Song:

The Album Stone by Stone is an album that cost me much to produce. I don’t mean monetarily, but emotionally and spiritually. It seems a lifetime ago that I began this album, w-a-a-a-ay back in February of 2015. Now well into 2016, I am a different person, really, than the one I was when I started this creative process. I believe God has a purpose for all that he does and allows and that God uses all things for our good if we will abandon ourselves in faith to his will and way in our lives. Sometimes we think we have life locked down. All the big things figured out and then suddenly we feel the ground slip beneath our feet. When all that we thought was solid turns to churning waters MERCY is what holds us. The bedrock of GRACE undergirds all we endure. All the good, and bad, and everything in between, and makes it BEAUTY in us.

When trying to decide the name of this album, GRACE was all that came to mind. I believe the themed thread of grace crisscrosses and doubles back all throughout the songs on this record. The last song, “Much-Forgiven Grace,” is my mainstay. In Jesus Christ weakness is strength and all that is lost is but gain. I hope this encourages you, uplifts you, and pours gentle waters over what, perhaps, has hurt you most. It’s okay. Do you know that? Really. It will all be okay. God sees. He hears. He knows. And in case you didn’t realize it yet—that is a really good thing.
Love you.